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Broadbills: Eurylaimidae

Behavior And Reproduction

The behavior and reproduction habits of broadbills are not known very well. The birds are generally arboreal (live in trees) and are believed to be mostly monogamous (muh-NAH-guh-mus; having one mate), but some species may be polygamous (puh-LIH-guh-mus; having more than one mate). Broadbills join single or mixed species flocks, but avian experts do not know whether the birds remain in one territory, range over several territories, or return to a territory after leaving. When defending a territory or during courtship, broadbills perform various displays of songs and flights. Simple songs usually consist of dove-like cooing, croaks, trills, whistles, and a series of bubbly to screaming notes.

Broadbills have a mating and reproduction period that is tied to rainfall amounts. Some species reproduce during the dry season, while others mate during the rainy season. All of the birds make large domed nests in the shape of a pear that is suspended from the tips of branches. In almost all species, both males and females build nests. Such nests are made from twigs, rootlets, and leaf strips from plants such as grasses, bamboo, and palms. Oftentimes, spider webs, moss, cocoons, and other materials hide the nests. At other times, nests are hung above water to make it difficult for predators, animals that hunt them for food, to enter. Females lay two to six white to pinkish eggs that are sometimes unmarked or speckled reddish or purple. Males help females with the care of the young, and some species also use helpers, related, nonbreeding birds that help care for the young.

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceBirdsBroadbills: Eurylaimidae - Physical Characteristics, Behavior And Reproduction, African Broadbill (smithornis Capensis): Species Accounts, Black-and-red Broadbill (cymbirhynchus Macrorhynchos): Species Accounts - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, DIET, BROADBILL