Frogs and Toads
The majority of frogs start their lives in the water as eggs, then hatch into tadpoles, which remain in the water until they turn into froglets. At that point, frogs of some species may leave the water and make their homes on land, while others may stay in the water. Some species are able to survive without ever having to even dip their feet in a puddle. Most of these frogs spend hours everyday underground or in some other moist place.
A number of frog species that live in dry areas, such as grasslands or deserts, stay underground and enter a state of deep sleep, called estivation (es-tih-VAY-shun) for much of the year. There, they wait for the rainy season and then climb back up to the ground to eat and to mate. Other frogs that live in colder places that have a frigid winter find shelter, sometimes also underground, and also enter a state of deep sleep, called hibernation (high-bur-NAY-shun). They remain in hibernation until warmer weather arrives in the spring.
Additional topics
Animal Life ResourceAmphibiansFrogs and Toads - Physical Characteristics, Geographic Range, Habitat, Diet, Behavior And Reproduction, Frogs And People