1 minute read

Spade-Headed Wormlizards: Trogonophidae


Most of the spade-headed wormlizards eat termites, grubs, and ants. Grubs are actually young beetles, which are also known as beetle larvae (LAR-vee). When the grubs are old enough, they go through another life stage called pupae (PYU-pee) and then turn into the adult crawling beetles familiar to most people. Wormlizards in captivity will also eat larger animals by biting off chunks and chewing them up. Scientists are unsure if they eat larger animals in the wild because they have never seen a wild wormlizard eating a larger animal. On the rare occasions when they have been able to catch and cut open a wild wormlizard to check its stomach and see what it had been eating, scientists have not found pieces of large animals inside. Until more studies on wormlizards are done, scientists cannot say for sure whether they eat larger animals in the wild.


On a person, a dog, or a cat, the ears are obvious. They are called "external" ears because external means something that is on the outside. Some animals, including many reptiles, have no external ears. Instead, their ears are often little more than holes on the sides of the head. Some species do not even have the holes. They are covered with scales. Spade-headed wormlizards are an example of reptiles without external ear openings. They can, however, still hear and are especially good at hearing vibrations in the soil. Such vibrations could be made by a predator walking overhead or a prey animal moving about.

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceDinosaurs, Snakes, and Other ReptilesSpade-Headed Wormlizards: Trogonophidae - Physical Characteristics, Diet, Behavior And Reproduction, No Common Name (agamodon Anguliceps): Species Account - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, SPADE-HEADED WORM LIZARDS AND PEOPLE, CONSERVATION STATUS