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Geckos and Pygopods: Gekkonidae

Geckos, Pygopods, And People

Pygopods seldom have anything to do with people. Some gecko species live near human homes. They are valuable in insect control, eating mosquitoes, flies, and cockroaches. In some areas of the world, deforestation, or the cutting down of trees, destroys their habitat. The killing of geckos by rats, cats, and other predators has led to declines in the numbers of geckos in some areas. In parts of Asia, geckos are used in medicines. Geckos, especially the brightly colored ones, are collected for the legal and illegal pet trade. A few species breed, or multiply, readily in captivity and do well.

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Animal Life ResourceDinosaurs, Snakes, and Other ReptilesGeckos and Pygopods: Gekkonidae - Physical Characteristics, Geographic Range, Habitat, Behavior And Reproduction, Geckos, Pygopods, And People - DIET, CONSERVATION STATUS