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Geckos and Pygopods: Gekkonidae

Behavior And Reproduction

Most geckos are nocturnal. During the day they typically hide under tree bark or in tree hollows. In the early evening they come out to feed and to look for mates. The diurnal species are most active in the late morning and middle of the afternoon. In tropical areas, which are warm throughout the year, geckos stay active all the time. In other areas, geckos enter burrows or rock cracks and remain there most of the time during the cool season.

Geckos typically live by themselves; only a few types live in groups. Some species are seen around peoples' homes. Males defend their feeding and resting places by using warning sounds, usually many clicks and chirps. Defense methods include running away; squirting a sticky fluid at predators, or animals that hunt them to eat them; biting; and shedding their tails. A gecko's tail will continue to wriggle after it is shed, fooling the predator and allowing the gecko to escape. Some gecko species also can shed body skin if they are grabbed by other animals. This skin regrows, as do the tails.

Geckos are the most vocal lizards, meaning that they make the most sounds. Most geckos make several different sounds, including barking, croaking, squeaking, and chirping. The giant Asian Tokay gecko makes a loud noise that sounds to some people like "geh-oh." It is possibly from this sound that the gecko gets its name.

During mating season, the males of some species have violent fights over females.

After mating, most gecko females lay a nest of two hard-shelled or leathery eggs. Some tropical species lay eggs throughout the year, and others have just one clutch, or nest of eggs. Some lay several egg groups within a mating season. Eggs are placed under loose bark or under a rock, where it is slightly damper than it is in the open air. Hatching occurs in six to ten weeks. A few species give birth to living young instead of laying eggs.


Scientists have investigated how geckos can walk up shiny walls and across ceilings. They found that geckos have millions of tiny foot hairs, called "setae" (SEE-tee), on each toe pad. The tips of these setae are very sticky. Geckos can hang from a wet or dry ceiling attached by just one toe. How do they get their feet off the ceiling and move? Scientists think that they peel foot hairs off like tape.

Because pygopods are secretive, not much is known about them. They hide in rocky areas, in tall grass, and in burrows. Some are active during the day. The desert species move about at night. After mating, females lay two eggs per clutch.

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceDinosaurs, Snakes, and Other ReptilesGeckos and Pygopods: Gekkonidae - Physical Characteristics, Geographic Range, Habitat, Behavior And Reproduction, Geckos, Pygopods, And People - DIET, CONSERVATION STATUS