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Peccaries: Tayassuidae

Behavior And Reproduction

Peccaries are social animals that live in herds ranging in number from three to more than five hundred. Home ranges vary in size, depending on the species and location. For the most part, peccaries are active during the daytime, though in Arizona and Texas, the collared peccary becomes nocturnal (active at night) in summer.

These animals are territorial and will become aggressive when threatened by trespassers. They growl, click their teeth, squeal, and make alarm-like barking sounds when threatened. When alarmed, they bristle the hairs along their neck and back. Peccaries groom one another. They are hunted by jaguars, bobcats, coyotes, and pumas.

Peccaries can give birth year-round, and litter sizes range from one to four, with the average size being one to two offspring. Pregnancy lasts 145 to 162 days, depending on the species.

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceMammalsPeccaries: Tayassuidae - Physical Characteristics, Diet, Behavior And Reproduction, Collared Peccary (tayassu Tajacu): Species Account - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, PECCARIES AND PEOPLE, CONSERVATION STATUS