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Feather-Tailed Possums: Acrobatidae


Pygmy gliders and feather-tailed possums eat insects, fruit, flowers, and nectar.


Pygmy gliders and feather-tailed possums are in the same family, but they are different in many ways. Pygmy gliders have a special membrane that allows them to glide, while feather-tailed possums do not. Scientists look at many different clues to decide what species are similar enough to belong in the same family. These possums have ears that are very complex and unique to these two species. This is the kind of information scientists used to decide that these two species belonged in the same family, even though they may not look very similar.

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceMammalsFeather-Tailed Possums: Acrobatidae - Physical Characteristics, Diet, Behavior And Reproduction, Pygmy Glider (acrobates Pygmaeus): Species Account - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, FEATHER-TAILED POSSUMS AND PEOPLE, CONSERVATION STATUS