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Ringtail and Greater Gliding Possums: Pseudocheiridae

Ringtail And Greater Gliding Possums And People

Most ringtail and greater gliding possums do not have a significant impact on people, except for the scientists who study them. In New Guinea, some larger species are hunted for food. Some species living near people's homes have been known to eat flowers from gardens.


Greater gliding and ringtail possums eat plants like eucalyptus leaves that are tough, difficult to digest, and do not contain a lot of nutrients or calories. To get enough energy out of these leaves, they pass them through their digestive system once. Chunks of undigested leaf are eliminated when they defecate, have a bowel movement, then they eat their waste and digest it again so that more nutrients can be removed.

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceMammalsRingtail and Greater Gliding Possums: Pseudocheiridae - Physical Characteristics, Diet, Behavior And Reproduction, Ringtail And Greater Gliding Possums And People, Conservation Status - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT