Ringtail and Greater Gliding Possums: Pseudocheiridae
Behavior And Reproduction
Ringtail and greater gliding possums are nocturnal, which means that they are active at night and sleep during the day. Almost all species live in trees. Social organization and interaction are important to most species in this family. Some live in bonded pairs and raise their young together. Most of the rainforest species live alone, but some of the other species spend time in groups and share sleeping spots. These possums use vocal calls to communicate with each other and with their young. None of them are territorial or protect a particular area.
Ringtail and greater gliding possums give birth to one or two young once a year. The young are born underdeveloped and crawl into their mother's pouch to continue to grow and mature. After 90 to 120 days in the mother's pouch, they leave and are carried on her back for another three months. After ten months the young become independent.
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- Ringtail and Greater Gliding Possums: Pseudocheiridae - Ringtail And Greater Gliding Possums And People
- Ringtail and Greater Gliding Possums: Pseudocheiridae - Diet
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Animal Life ResourceMammalsRingtail and Greater Gliding Possums: Pseudocheiridae - Physical Characteristics, Diet, Behavior And Reproduction, Ringtail And Greater Gliding Possums And People, Conservation Status - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT