Krill: Euphausiacea
North Pacific Krill (euphausia Pacifica): Species Accounts
Physical characteristics: North Pacific krill measure about 0.75 inches (19 millimeters) and weigh about 0.003 ounces (0.1 grams).
Geographic range: They are found in the North Pacific Ocean, from North America to Japan.
Habitat: North Pacific krill live in open water at the edge of the continental shelf or just beyond. They are found at the surface to depths of about 984.24 feet (300 meters).
Diet: They eat plankton.
Behavior and reproduction: North Pacific krill rise to the surface to feed at night. They sink to lower levels during the day and seldom feed there, even if food is abundant. Males take part in one breeding season and live about two years. Females live longer and take part in two breeding seasons.
North Pacific krill rise to the surface to feed at night. They sink to lower levels during the day and seldom feed there, even if food is abundant.
North Pacific krill and people: This species is fished commercially in the United States, Canada, and Japan.
Conservation status: North Pacific krill are not considered endangered or threatened. ∎
Additional topics
- Krill: Euphausiacea - Antarctic Krill (euphausia Superba): Species Accounts
- Krill: Euphausiacea - Krill And People
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Animal Life ResourceMollusks, Crustaceans, and Related SpeciesKrill: Euphausiacea - Physical Characteristics, Behavior And Reproduction, Krill And People, North Pacific Krill (euphausia Pacifica): Species Accounts - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, DIET, CONSERVATION STATUS