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Anaspidaceans: Anaspidacea

Behavior And Reproduction

Anaspidaceans are poor swimmers and usually crawl about their habitat. The exopods of their thoracic legs move constantly to circulate oxygen-carrying water over the flaplike gills. When they walk, their thoracic and abdominal limbs move together in a smooth, rhythmic motion.

Both males and females are known, but mating has not been observed. Unlike most crustaceans that carry their eggs or young, female anaspidaceans lay their eggs individually on plants or stones. They do not guard or provide any care for them. The eggs hatch in 30 to 60 days as larvae (LAR-vee) that have working antennae and mouthparts only. Adulthood is reached through a series of molts, or sheddings of the exoskeleton. Additional appendages are added with each molt. Sometimes young anaspidaceans hatch with fewer than the adult number of appendages, adding additional appendages as they molt.

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceMollusks, Crustaceans, and Related SpeciesAnaspidaceans: Anaspidacea - Physical Characteristics, Behavior And Reproduction, Anaspidaceans And People, No Common Name (anaspides Tasmaniae): Species Account - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, DIET, CONSERVATION STATUS