Anemones and Corals: Anthozoa
Giant Green Anemone (anthopleura Xanthogrammica): Species Accounts
Physical characteristics: Giant green anemones have a large, flat oral disk almost 10 inches (25 centimeters) in diameter. The body column is densely covered with hollow, sticky, wartlike bumps. The tentacles and disk are emerald green. The column is olive or brownish.
Geographic range: Giant green anemones live off the western coast of North America from Alaska to Baja California.
Habitat: Giant green anemones live in areas exposed at low tide where they are subject to strong wave action.
Diet: Giant green anemones feed on sea urchins, crabs, and mussels. These anemones benefit when urchins fleeing from predatory sea
Giant green anemome benefit when urchins fleeing from predatory sea stars fall into their tentacles.
Behavior and reproduction: Scientists do not know how giant green anemones behave. These animals have separate sexes and can reproduce when they are five to ten years old. The larvae eat algae. These anemones do not use asexual reproduction.
Giant green anemones and people: Giant green anemones produce toxins that stimulate human heart muscle and have been considered for medical use.
Conservation status: Giant green anemones are not threatened or endangered. ∎
Additional topics
- Anemones and Corals: Anthozoa - Frilled Anemone (metridium Senile): Species Accounts
- Anemones and Corals: Anthozoa - Anemones, Corals, And People
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Animal Life ResourceJellyfish, Sponges, and Other Simple AnimalsAnemones and Corals: Anthozoa - Physical Characteristics, Diet, Behavior And Reproduction, Anemones, Corals, And People, Giant Green Anemone (anthopleura Xanthogrammica): Species Accounts - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, CONSERVATION STATUS