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Bowerbirds: Ptilonorhynchidae

Physical Characteristics, Behavior And Reproduction, Satin Bowerbird (ptilonorhynchus Violaceus): Species Accounts, Spotted Bowerbird (chlamydera Maculata): Species AccountsGEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, DIET, BOWERBIRDS AND

SATIN BOWERBIRD (Ptilonorhynchus violaceus): SPECIES ACCOUNTS

Bowerbirds are found primarily on the mainland of New Guinea, but also in Australia and the offshore islands of both countries.

They inhabit rainforests, rainforest edges, moss forests, woodlands, open riverine (located near river) forests, borders between forests and grasslands, open woodlands, savannas (flat grasslands), and semi-deserts.

Their diet consists of fruits from trees and bushes along with arthropods (invertebrate animals with jointed limbs) and other animals such as insects, spiders, small snakes, worms, frogs, birds, and skinks (small insect-eating lizards). They also eat flowers, leaves, seeds, and sap.

A few groups of native New Guinean and Australian aborigines have used the crests of some male species as clothing decorations, while some natives believe that male bowerbirds use the same techniques as male humans to find a mate; still other natives believe that some species steal human bones for their own ceremonial purposes. Eight species have been bred in aviaries (large enclosures or cages for birds).

One species of bowerbird is considered Vulnerable, facing a high risk of extinction, and one species is listed as Near Threatened, close to becoming threatened with extinction.

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Animal Life ResourceBirds