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Logrunners and Chowchillas: Orthonychidae

Logrunners, Chowchillas, And People

Because these birds are relatively shy and their habitats are restricted, they are unknown to most people except one native group. The Dyirbal Aboriginal people named the chowchilla after its call, which is: "chow chowchilla chowry chook chook."


Sclerophyll (SKLARE-uh-fill) forests, where logrunners live, are unique to Australia. These forests evolved, changed, in response to low levels of phosphorous, a chemical that encourages plant growth. Sclerophyll plants have hard leaves that contain lignin, a substance that prevents them from wilting. Dry sclerophyll forests have eucalyptus trees that are 32.8 to 98.4 feet (10 to 30 meters) tall with smaller sclerophyllic plants underneath. Eucalyptus (yoo-kah-LIP-tus) in wet forests are taller, over 98.4 feet (30 meters), and contain plants with softer leaves such as tree ferns.

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceBirdsLogrunners and Chowchillas: Orthonychidae - Physical Characteristics, Geographic Range, Behavior And Reproduction, Logrunners, Chowchillas, And People, Conservation Status - HABITAT, DIET