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Calotes Angleheads Dragon Lizards and Relatives: Agamidae

Physical Description, Behavior And Reproduction, Spiny Agama (agama Hispida): Species Accounts, Frilled Lizard (chlamydosaurus Kingii):species AccountsGEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, DIET, AGAMIDS


Agamids are found in Europe and Africa and throughout Southeast Asia, including Indonesia and the Philippines. They also inhabit New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, and Australia.

Agamids prefer to live in sandy and rocky deserts. They also may be found in dry forest habitats and dry scrub areas, which are flat areas with small bushes. Flying lizards are found in rainforests, areas with a great deal of rain and warm temperatures throughout the year. The Asian water dragon lives part of the time in trees near streams.

An agamid does not chase insects for food. Instead, it sits and waits in hiding until an insect comes by. Then out darts its sticky tongue to capture the insect and eat it. A few agamids, such as the Dabb spiny-tailed lizard, prefer plants for food.

Agamids do not normally interact with people. They eat many insects, and so they are considered useful animals. A few species are captured for the legal and illegal pet trade, and some larger species are exhibited in zoos. A few larger species are caught for food.

Most agamids are not threatened. The World Conservation Union (IUCN) labels two species as Endangered, meaning that they face a very high risk of extinction in the wild. One species is listed as Near Threatened, meaning that it might soon face serious threats. Habitat loss, or loss of their preferred living area, is a major problem for agamids. The introduction of new predators, such as cats and rats, to their living areas has also harmed them.

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