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Turacos and Plantain Eaters: Musophagiformes

Physical Characteristics

These birds have long tails, short bills and short, round wings. They are weak fliers, but they can walk, run, and leap on tree twigs and branches. The birds move so well on their feet because they are able to bend their outer toes forward and backwards.

Seventeen Musophagidae species are very colorful. Turacos (TOOR-ah-koz) living in forests have blue, green, or purple plumage, with red in their wing feathers. The species living in grasslands are mainly gray and brown. The great blue turaco is the largest bird in this family. From head-to-tail, it measures 28 to 30 inches (70 to 76 centimeters). Other birds in the family range in length from 16 to 21 inches (40 to 53 centimeters).

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceBirdsTuracos and Plantain Eaters: Musophagiformes - Physical Characteristics, Musophagiformes And People, Great Blue Turaco (corythaeola Cristata): Species Accounts, Gray Go-away-bird (corythaixoides Concolor): Species Accounts - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, DIE