Mesoamerican Burrowing Toads: Rhinophrynidae
The Mesoamerican burrowing toad mainly lives in underground burrows in lowland areas, which are nearer the Gulf of Mexico and Pacific Ocean and away from the hilly, mountainous regions farther inland. Some live in grassland areas, but others do well in forests that become very dry for part of the year. They can exist in tropical areas or in somewhat cooler subtropical grasslands and forests.
Even though the Mesoamerican burrowing toad's common name includes the word "toad," scientists consider it to be a frog, and not a true toad.
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- Mesoamerican Burrowing Toads: Rhinophrynidae - Diet
- Mesoamerican Burrowing Toads: Rhinophrynidae - Geographic Range
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Animal Life ResourceAmphibiansMesoamerican Burrowing Toads: Rhinophrynidae - Physical Characteristics, Geographic Range, Habitat, Diet, Behavior And Reproduction, Mesoamerican Burrowing Toads And People - CONSERVATION STATUS