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Diving-Petrels: Pelecanoididae

Behavior And Reproduction

Diving-petrels are the only tubenoses that dive into the water to catch food. They typically fly low and fast over the water, and in stormy weather, often fly right into the crests of waves rather than fly over them. These birds are social, eating and breeding in herds and colonies. They come to land only to breed.

Diving-petrels nest in burrows, holes, or in the crevices of rocks. The female lays one egg that incubates, warms, for eight weeks. Both parents take turns sitting on the egg, usually for day-long periods. Eggs are laid between July and December, and newborn chicks are watched closely for the first two weeks of life. The chick will make its first flight around eight weeks, and at that time, begins to take care of itself.

Diving-petrels molt after the breeding season is over, and until their flight feathers grow back, they are flightless.

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceBirdsDiving-Petrels: Pelecanoididae - Physical Characteristics, Behavior And Reproduction, Diving-petrels And People, Common Diving-petrel (pelecanoides Urinatrix): Species Account - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, DIET, CONSERVATION STATUS