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Thread Snakes Slender Blind Snakes or Worm Snakes: Leptotyphlopidae


Slender blind snakes can live in many different habitats from dry deserts and humid rainforests to rocky mountainsides, but within those habitats, they always seek at least slightly damp areas. These burrowing snakes spend much of their day buried under an inch or two (2.5 to 5 centimeters) of soil, hidden beneath stones or logs, or out of view in piles of rotting leaves or inside ant and termite hills. The species known only by its scientific name of Leptotyphlops natatrix may be a swimmer. Just one individual from this species has ever been found, and it was discovered in 1931 in a swamp in Gambia.

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceDinosaurs, Snakes, and Other ReptilesThread Snakes Slender Blind Snakes or Worm Snakes: Leptotyphlopidae - Physical Characteristics, Habitat, Diet, Behavior And Reproduction, Texas Blind Snake (leptotyphlops Dulcis): Species Account - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, SLENDER BLIND SNAKES AND PEOPLE, CONSER