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Early Blind Snakes: Anomalepididae

Behavior And Reproduction

Scientists know little about their behavior in the wild but suspect that they remain active all year and mainly at night. In captivity, the snakes stay underground most of the time. When picked up by a person, an early blind snake defends itself by squirming and twisting its body and then releasing body waste —both of which may cause the person to lose grip or let go of the snake. If it has a spine-tipped tail, the snake will also jab it into the person's hand.

Snake researchers guess that the early blind snakes probably lay eggs rather than give birth to live babies, but they have not studied them enough to be sure. No information is available on when or how the snakes mate or on how many young they have.

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceDinosaurs, Snakes, and Other ReptilesEarly Blind Snakes: Anomalepididae - Physical Characteristics, Geographic Range, Habitat, Behavior And Reproduction, Lesser Blind Snake (liotyphlops Ternetzii): Species Account - DIET, EARLY BLIND SNAKES AND PEOPLE, CONSERVATION STATUS