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Girdled and Plated Lizards: Cordylidae

Physical Characteristics, Diet, Behavior And Reproduction, Conservation Status, Cape Flat Lizard (platysaurus Capensis): Species AccountGEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, GIRDLED AND PLATED LIZARDS AND PEOPLE


These lizards live in southern Africa and in Madagascar.

The flat and girdle-tailed lizards, along with many plated lizards, typically make their homes in rocky, dry areas, although some girdle-tailed lizards live in forests where they hide under tree bark or in tunnels. Grass lizards live in grasslands, and plated lizards prefer more shrubby habitats. One species of plated lizard even survives in the sand dunes of a desert, while another lives on the banks of freshwater rivers.

Many species are easily frightened and are therefore rarely seen up close by humans. The less-shy lizards, especially the groups of colorful flat lizards, however, make for excellent viewing at parks and other spots in southern Africa.

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