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Florida Wormlizard: Rhineuridae


Scientists are unsure exactly what Florida wormlizards eat, but they believe they probably eat the same things that other amphisbaenians eat. Most amphisbaenians travel through their underground burrows looking for and dining on the ants, termites, and grubs that they find there. The Florida wormlizards flick their forked tongues to pick up chemicals in the air and on the ground. They then press the tongue on the roof of the mouth, where a special organ, called a Jacobson's organ, lies. This organ "tastes" the chemicals to tell the wormlizard about the prey animals that might be nearby. They also use their special ear set-ups to "hear" even very faint vibrations in the ground. This super-hearing ability probably helps the wormlizards to hear movements made by even very small insects and therefore makes them especially good hunters.

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceDinosaurs, Snakes, and Other ReptilesFlorida Wormlizard: Rhineuridae - Physical Characteristics, Geographic Range, Habitat, Diet, Behavior And Reproduction - FLORIDA WORM LIZARDS AND PEOPLE, CONSERVATION STATUS