Getting to Know Reptiles

Snakes, crocodiles and alligators, lizards, and turtles might not look alike at first glance, but they all share certain features. These animals, plus the tuataras that resemble a cross between a prehistoric dinosaur and a present-day lizard, are reptiles. In all, the world holds 285 species of turtles, 23 crocodiles and alligators, two tuataras, 4,450 lizards, and 2,900 snakes. Scientists suspect that hundreds of other reptile species have yet to be discovered.
Almost all reptiles have thick tough skin with scales or scutes. Alligators have large heavy rectangular scales covering their bodies, while snakes often have thinner overlapping scales. Most snakes have larger and wider belly scales, which are known as scutes. Even turtles have noticeable scales on the legs and head. These scales and scutes can help protect the reptile from scraping its skin on the ground or from dangerous attacks by other animals that want to eat it. For land-living reptiles, the scales can also keep the body from drying out too quickly. Besides the scales on their legs, turtles also have a different type of scutes. The tops of the upper and lower shell are divided into large pieces, which are also known as scutes.
Reptiles come in many different sizes and colors. Some snakes grow to less than 12 inches (30.5 centimeters) long as adults, while others can reach 25 feet (7.7 meters). Likewise, a whole range of sizes separate the smallest of turtles at just a
People often see reptiles sunbathing, or basking, in the sun.
Body temperature
Reptiles are often called cold-blooded animals, but this description is only correct sometimes. A reptile actually changes its body temperature, becoming hotter when the outside temperature is warm, and colder when the outside temperature is cool. In other words, a reptile is only "cold-blooded" on cold days. This changing body temperature is called ectothermy (EK-toe-ther-mee): ecto means outside and thermy refers to the temperature. Reptiles, then, are ectothermic animals. In "warm-blooded" animals, such as human beings, the body has to stay about the same temperature all the time. If a person's body temperature rises or falls more than just a few degrees, he or she can die. For the ectothermic reptiles, however, their body temperatures can swing 20 to 30° F (7 to 13° C)—and sometimes more—in a single day without causing any harm. Because they are ectothermic, reptiles do not have to use their energy to stay warm. Instead, they can simply let the sun warm them up by sunbathing, or basking, on a forest path or the shore of a river or lake. Ectothermy can also have a downside. Reptiles are slower on cooler days or in the cool morning or evening air, which can make them easy prey for attackers. Most reptiles, however, hide themselves away when their bodies start to chill.
Not all reptiles are venomous, but many snakes and a few lizards are. Venom is a type of toxin, or poison. Venomous snakes generally have two fangs in their upper jaw— sometimes in the front of the mouth and sometimes in back. These fangs usually have grooves that send the venom down the tooth and into the prey. Unlike the snakes, the two venomous lizards, the Gila monster and the Mexican beaded lizard, store their venom in the lower jaw and deliver it through grooves in numerous teeth.
Although not all reptiles have legs, many of them do. Crocodiles and alligators, turtles, most lizards, and tuataras can walk on their four legs. Each leg ends in a foot with five or fewer claws. Usually they walk with their legs held out from the body, rather like a human would hold up his or her body when doing a push-up. Many of the smaller lizards, in particular, are very speedy, zipping across the ground at speeds that make their capture difficult. The exceptionally large lizards, known as Komodo dragons, usually walk very slowly, as do crocodiles, which often slide their bellies along the ground while walking. If necessary, however, both can run surprisingly fast. A few reptiles, such as the Nile crocodile and American crocodile, can even do a fast rabbitlike hop, called a gallop, to cover ground quickly. Some lizards can run on just their two hind legs, and the basilisk lizard is even able to run across the surface of a pond without sinking.
Snakes slither, usually twisting and bending their bodies in an S-shaped pattern along the ground. This type of movement is called serpentine (SER-pen-teen) locomotion. Like the snakes, some lizards also have no legs. They move much the
The green basilisk lizard is able to run across water aided by the flaps of skin on the underside of its hindfeet.
Many turtles, alligators, and crocodiles spend most of their lives in the water. Turtles often have wide feet that they use to push them through the water. A few, like the seaturtles, even
Snakes slither, usually twisting and bending their bodies in an S-shaped pattern along the ground.
Seaturtle swimming strokes.
Many reptiles are meat-eaters, or carnivores (KAR-nih-vores). Some of them, especially the smaller lizards and snakes, eat mainly insects, spiders, worms, and other invertebrates (in-VER-teh-brehts), which are animals without backbones. Larger snakes often eat mammals, amphibians, other reptiles, fishes, and birds. A number of snakes and lizards also eat eggs. Snakes usually will only eat living animals, but other species, including snapping turtles, will eat dead, even rotting animals that they find.
Plant eaters
A few reptiles, especially some of the turtle species and a few lizards, eat plants. Animals that eat plants are called herbivores (ER-bih-vores). A few animals will eat both meat and plants. These are called omnivores (OM-nih-vores). Some turtles, including the commonly seen painted turtles, will switch from a mostly meat diet to one that is mostly plants when animal prey are hard to find.
As predators
Predators (PREH-duh-ters) are animals that hunt and kill other animals for food. Many reptiles hunt by ambush, which means that they find a good hiding spot or lie very still and wait for a prey animal to happen by. Then they lunge out and grab their prey. Other reptiles hunt by foraging, when they crawl, slither, or swim about looking for something to eat. Many reptiles, including lizards and turtles, simply snap their mouths around the prey and swallow it. Crocodiles and alligators clamp their jaws around larger prey, such as deer, drag them underwater to drown, and then tear off hunks of flesh. Snakes usually swallow their meals whole, often by unhinging their jaws. Many snakes are venomous, which allows them to inject a toxin into the prey to either kill it or knock it out.
An Amazon tree boa eating a bird.
Some reptiles, especially the lizards, mainly use their eyes to spot their prey. Snakes have an excellent sense of smell and are able to pick up scents from the air and from the ground with the tongue, which they flick again and again while looking for food. Some snakes, including the pit vipers, have small holes on the front of the face. These holes, or pits, are covered with a thin sheet of detectors that can pick up the heat given off by a prey animal. Snakes are also able to sense ground vibrations through the jaw bone, which connects to the ear. They can not only feel the ground move, but they can also hear it.
As prey
Prey are those animals that are hunted by other animals for food. Eagles, hawks, other large birds, along with some mammals, eat snakes and lizards. In fact, some snakes and lizards eat other snakes and lizards. One of the biggest threats to turtles come from mammals that dig up their nests and eat their eggs.
Underground reptiles
The tuataras, many lizards, and some snakes, including the blind snakes, spend most of their time underground in burrows, or beneath rocks, logs, or other ground covers. Some of them stay underground all day and only come out at night. Others stay underground all night and sneak out during the day. Some burrowing reptiles dig their own burrows, but many others simply move into the burrow of another animal.
Crocodiles may grab an animal on shore, but will drag it into the water to drown it.
Freshwater reptiles
Alligators and crocodiles, many turtles, some snakes, and a few lizards live in freshwater lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams. Depending on the species, they may spend a good deal of time every day on shore basking in a sunny spot. Some will even do some hunting on land. Crocodiles, for instance, may grab a prey animal on shore but will then drag it into the water to drown it.
Sea reptiles
Among the reptiles, the seaturtles are most known for their association with the oceans. With their paddlelike front legs, they can glide easily through the water and cover very long distances, often migrating hundreds of miles (kilometers) between their nesting beaches in warm climates and their feeding areas in cooler climates. The leatherback seaturtle migrates the farthest, taking trips of up to 3,100 miles (5,000 kilometers) from its nesting place to a feeding site. Some snakes also live in the ocean. The seasnakes make their home in coral reefs, where they eat eels and fishes.
Tree reptiles
Animals that live in trees are said to be arboreal (pronounced ar-BOR-ee-ul). Some reptiles are arboreal. These include many snakes, even large ones like the emerald tree boa that can grow to 7.3 feet (2.2 meters) in length. Many lizards are also excellent climbers and slither through trees looking for insects or bird eggs to eat.
Most female reptiles lay eggs, but some give birth to babies. Some of the newborn babies may have actually hatched from eggs while they were still inside the mother. Female reptiles all lay their eggs or give birth to their babies on land. Even those that live in the water for the rest of the year crawl onto shore to have their young. Tuataras lay eggs in their burrows. Some female turtles and crocodiles bury their eggs on shore or farther inland. A few turtle species lay their eggs in leaf piles. After laying the eggs, a female turtle leaves the nest, and the young are on their own. Crocodiles care for their young, bringing the new hatchlings from the nest site to the water. Snakes and
Egg laying strategies. 1. Peninsula cooter turtle; 2. American alligator; 3. Python; 4. Copperhead.
Many people keep reptiles as pets. This can be a problem if the animal bites, if it grows too large, or if it lives too long. Some snakes, for example, can grow to be 6 feet (1.8 meters) long or more, and some turtles can live to be 100 years old. In the wild, most people only see reptiles when the animals are warming themselves in the sun. Usually, the reptile will leave the area as the person draws near. If the animal is surprised, however, some reptiles may bite. Not all snakes are venomous, but some are. A bite from a venomous snake can be dangerous and even deadly and requires an immediate visit to the hospital.
Reptiles in danger
Many, many species of reptiles may disappear from the Earth soon, if they do not receive some protection. Two-thirds
Reptilian visual displays: 1. Cottonmouth uses gaping mouth as a defensive warning; 2. Frilled lizard looks larger as a defensive display; 3. A ringneck snake draws attention away from its head and shows its coloration as a defense; 4. The alligator snapping turtle uses a food lure to attract its prey; 5. and 6. Territorial or mating displays for green anole (5) and tuatara (6).
The decline in reptile populations is commonly a result of habitat destruction or of overhunting for their meat or skin or for the pet trade. For turtles, much of the danger comes from the growing number of predator animals that dig up turtle nests and eat the eggs. Scientists estimate, for instance, that 75 to 90
A KwaZulu-Natal Nature Conservation Service staff member cuts notches into the carapace of a loggerhead turtle hatchling as part of a research project.
Saving endangered reptiles
In some cases, scientists, government agencies, and/or other concerned groups are protecting the land where the animals live and setting up laws that prevent overhunting. Many zoos are also helping by trying to breed their own captive reptiles. This is especially important for those species that are already very rare.
Too late to save
According to the IUCN, twenty-one species of reptiles are extinct. This includes three snakes, eleven lizards, and seven turtles.
Badger, David. Lizards. Stillwater, MN: Voyageur Press, 2002.
Behler, John. Simon and Schuster's Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of the World. New York: Simon and Schuster Inc., 1989, 1997.
Cleaver, Andrew. Snakes and Reptiles: A Portrait of the Animal World. Wigston, Leicester, England: Magna Books, 1994.
Irwin, Steve, and Terri Irwin. The Crocodile Hunter. New York: Penguin Putnam, 1997.
Ivy, Bill. Nature's Children: Lizards. Danbury, CT: Grolier, 1990.
Lamar, William. The World's Most Spectacular Reptiles and Amphibians. Tampa, FL: World Publications, 1997.
Lockwood, C. C. The Alligator Book. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2002.
Mattison, Chris. Lizards of the World. New York: Facts on File, 1989.
Mattison, Chris. The Encyclopedia of Snakes. New York: DK Publishing Inc., 1997.
McCarthy, Colin. Eyewitness: Reptile. New York: DK Publishing, 2000.
Montgomery, Sy. The Snake Scientist (Scientists in the Field). Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 2001.
O'Shea, Mark, and Tim Halliday. Smithsonian Handbooks: Reptiles and Amphibians. New York: DK Publishing, 2002.
Rue, Leonard Lee. Alligators and Crocodiles. Wigston, Leicaster, England: Magna Books, 1994.
Tesar, Jenny. What on Earth is a Tuatara? Woodbridge, CT: Blackbirch Press, 1994.
Barr, Brady, and Margaret Zackowitz. "The Big Squeeze. (The Icky Adventure of Brady Barr)." National Geographic Kids. May 2003, page 40.
Calvert, Pam. "Out of Control!: The Brown Tree Snake." Odyssey. April 2000, page 23.
Chiang, Mona. "The Plight of the Turtle." Science World. May 9, 2003, page 8.
Gill, Paul G., Jr. "Red on Yellow, Kill a Fellow! Get Snake-smart before Heading into the Wild." Boys' Life. April 2004, page 26.
Mealy, Nora Steiner. "Creatures from Komodo." Ranger Rick. August 2001, page 18.
Murphy, Thomas J. "Swamp Wars." Boys' Life. November 2000, page 10.
Myers, Jack. "Flicking tongues." Highlights for Children. September 1997, page 32.
O'Meara, Stephen. "Creature from the Black Lagoon." Odyssey. March 1999, page 42.
Scheid, Darrin. "It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's a Snake." Boys' Life. January 2003, page 11.
Swarts, Candice. "The Tortoise and the Pair." National Geographic Kids. October 2003, page 14.
Thompson, Sharon. "Attention, Lizard Parents." National Geographic World. May 2002, page 6.
Web sites:
"All About Turtles." Gulf of Maine Aquarium. (accessed on November 1, 2004).
"How fast can a crocodile run?" Crocodilian Biology Database, Florida Museum of Natural History. (accessed on November 1, 2004).
"Reptiles." Environmental Education for Kids. (accessed on November 1, 2004).
"Reptiles." San Diego Natural History Museum. (accessed on November 1, 2004).
"Snakes." Defenders of Wildlife. (accessed on November 1, 2004).
Sohn, Emily. "The Cool Side of Snake Pits." Science News for Kids. (accessed on November 1, 2004).
Sohn, Emily. "Delivering a Little Snake Venom." Science News for Kids. (accessed on November 1, 2004).
Trivedi, Bigal P. "Smallest Known Lizard Found in Caribbean." National Geographic. (accessed on November 1, 2004).
Additional topics
- Early Blind Snakes: Anomalepididae - Physical Characteristics, Geographic Range, Habitat, Behavior And Reproduction, Lesser Blind Snake (liotyphlops Ternetzii): Species Account - DIET, EARLY BLIND SNAKES AND PEOPLE, CONSERVATION STATUS
- Reptiles: Pronunciation Guide for Scientific Names
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