Species List by Biome

Ailao moustache toad
Annam broad-headed toad
Bana leaf litter frog
Brown frog
Cascade torrent salamander
Coastal giant salamander
Eastern narrow-mouthed toad
European fire salamander
Fire-bellied toad
Great crested newt
Mandarin salamander
Oriental fire-bellied toad
Schmidt's lazy toad
Smooth newt
Two-lined salamander
Yellow-bellied toad
Arboreal salamander
Asian horned frog
Bell's salamander
Brown frog
Cascade torrent salamander
Common squeaker
Darwin's frog
Eastern narrow-mouthed toad
European fire salamander
Fire-bellied toad
Golden-striped salamander
Goliath frog
Great crested newt
Green treefrog
Hairy frog
Hamilton's frog
Harlequin frog
Kinugasa flying frog
Lynch's Cochran frog
Mandarin salamander
Marine toad
Maud Island frog
Mesoamerican burrowing toad
Mexican caecilian
Micro frog
Mocquard's rain frog
Natal ghost frog
Nilgiri tropical frog
Oriental fire-bellied toad
Pacific giant glass frog
Painted frog
Painted Indonesian treefrog
Painted reed frog
Paradox frog
Parsley frog
Phantasmal poison frog
Pumpkin toadlet
Rock River frog
Rocky Mountain tailed frog
Ruthven's frog
South American bullfrog
Smooth newt
Sumaco horned treefrog
Talamancan web-footed salamander
Tusked frog
Two-lined salamander
Yellow-bellied toad
Yucatecan shovel-headed treefrog
Sandhill frog
Water-holding frog
Asian horned frog
Banded rubber frog
Brown frog
Bubbling kassina
Budgett's frog
Darwin's frog
Fire-bellied toad
Gray four-eyed frog
Great crested newt
Mandarin salamander
Marbled snout-burrower
Marine toad
Mesoamerican burrowing toad
Mocquard's rain frog
Natal ghost frog
Northern spadefoot toad
Oriental fire-bellied toad
Painted frog
Painted reed frog
Paradox frog
Parsley frog
Patagonia frog
Plains spadefoot toad
Pointed-tongue floating frog
Riobamba marsupial frog
Smooth newt
Tiger salamander
Tusked frog
Yellow-bellied toad
Yucatecan shovel-headed treefrog
Water-holding frog
Amazonian skittering frog
Brown frog
Bubbling kassina
Common plantanna (African clawed frog)
Eastern narrow-mouthed toad
Fire-bellied toad
Golden-striped salamander
Gray four-eyed frog
Great crested newt
Hokkaido salamander
Hourglass treefrog
Japanese fire-bellied newt
Lesser siren
Mandarin salamander
Marine toad
Midwife toad
Oriental fire-bellied toad
Painted frog
Painted reed frog
Paradox frog
Patagonia frog
Perez's snouted frog
Phantasmal poison frog
Philippine barbourula
Pointed-tongue floating frog
Pyburn's pancake frog
Riobamba marsupial frog
Smooth newt
South American bullfrog
Surinam horned frog
Surinam toad
Three-toed amphiuma
Tropical clawed frog
Two-lined salamander
Yellow-bellied toad
African wart frog
Amazonian skittering frog
Blue-toed rocket frog
Eungella torrent frog
Free Madagascar frog
Golden dart-poison frog
Golden toad
Gold-striped frog
Hip pocket frog
Hourglass treefrog
Kirk's caecilian
La Palma glass frog
Long-fingered slender toad
Marbled caecilian
Perez's snouted frog
Philippine barbourula
Pyburn's pancake frog
Red caecilian
Ruthven's frog
Seychelles frog
South American bullfrog
Surinam horned frog
Tusked frog
Wilhelm rainforest frog
Ailao moustache toad
Annam broad-headed toad
Asian horned frog
Brown frog
Cascade torrent salamander
Cayenne caecilian
Ceylon caecilian
Coastal giant salamander
Common plantanna (African clawed frog)
Darwin's frog
Dusky salamander
Eungella torrent frog
Fire-bellied toad
Goliath frog
Green treefrog
Hairy frog
Harlequin frog
Hokkaido salamander
Japanese clawed salamander
La Palma glass frog
Lesser siren
Long-fingered slender toad
Lynch's Cochran frog
Marbled caecilian
Midwife toad
Natal ghost frog
Nilgiri tropical frog
Oriental fire-bellied toad
Pacific giant glass frog
Painted frog
Painted reed frog
Paradox frog
Phantasmal poison frog
Philippine barbourula
Pyburn's pancake frog
Rock River frog
Rocky Mountain tailed frog
Ruthven's frog
Schmidt's lazy toad
Semirechensk salamander
South American bullfrog
Surinam toad
Texas blind salamander
Three-toed amphiuma
Tropical clawed frog
Two-lined salamander
Yellow-bellied toad
Banded rubber frog
Bubbling kassina
Budgett's frog
Brown frog
Ceylon caecilian
Common plantanna (African clawed frog)
Darwin's frog
Eastern narrow-mouthed toad
Fire-bellied toad
Free Madagascar frog
Green treefrog
Kinugasa flying frog
Kirk's caecilian
Lesser siren
Malaysian painted frog
Marbled snout-burrower
Marine toad
Micro frog
Mocquard's rain frog
Northern spadefoot toad
Oriental fire-bellied toad
Painted frog
Painted reed frog
Paradox frog
Perez's snouted frog
Pointed-tongue floating frog
Riobamba marsupial frog
Ruthven's frog
Schmidt's lazy toad
Semirechensk salamander
Surinam horned frog
Surinam toad
Three-toed amphiuma
Yellow-bellied toad
Yucatecan shovel-headed treefrog
Water-holding frog
Additional topics
- Species List by Geographic Range
- Tailless Caecilians: Caeciliidae - Physical Characteristics, Habitat, Diet, Behavior And Reproduction, Mexican Caecilian (dermophis Mexicanus): Species Accounts - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, TAILLESS CAECILIANS AND PEOPLE, CONSERVATION STATUS
- Other Free Encyclopedias