Gundis: Ctenodactylidae
Physical Characteristics
Gundis are small rodents with soft, thick, and silky fur. Their fur helps to insulate their bodies from harm due to extreme sun exposure. They have large, blunt heads, flat skulls, and short, round ears. Their very round, large eyes help them to adjust quickly to bright sunlight when they come out of their rock shelters. They have a fringe of hair around the inner margin of their ears that protects the ears from sand that can be easily blown by the wind. Gundis have long vibrissae (stiff hairs that can be found near the nostrils or other parts of the face in many mammals). They also have short legs and short, furry tails. Their back feet are longer than their front feet, each foot having four digits (fingers or toes). On the hind feet, the two inner digits have stiff bristles that serve as a comb for the gundis' fur. The digits also have small, very sharp claws. Gundis have flexible ribcages, which help them squeeze into small spaces.
The color of gundis is anywhere from gray to yellow-red, the underparts usually having a whitish color. The rocks that they live among determine their overall color, because blending into their surroundings serves as protection. Overall, they have the appearance of guinea pigs. Their head and body length is 6 to 10 inches (15 to 25 centimeters). Their tail length is 0.3 to 2 inches (1 to 6 centimeters), and they can weight up to 6 ounces (171 grams), and the females are larger than the males.
Additional topics
Animal Life ResourceMammalsGundis: Ctenodactylidae - Physical Characteristics, Habitat, Behavior And Reproduction, Mzab Gundi (massoutiera Mzabi): Species Account - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, DIET, GUNDIS AND PEOPLE, CONSERVATION STATUS