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Springhare: Pedetidae


Springhares mostly eat grass stems, bulbs, and fleshy roots. When they live in crop-cultivated areas, they will eat corn, peanuts, barley, oats, and wheat. Sometimes, they eat plant stems. This can be seen especially in grazed areas where they eat the lower stems or roots after other animals have already eaten the upper grass layers. When they have a very difficult time finding food, they will eat beetles, locusts, or other insects. When springhares eat, they sit up and use their tails as support. They like to eat in darkness, so they do not usually stay out and feed when there is a full moon.

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceMammalsSpringhare: Pedetidae - Physical Characteristics, Habitat, Diet, Behavior And Reproduction, Springhares And People - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, CONSERVATION STATUS