Pigs: Suidae
Eurasian Wild Pig (sus Scrofa): Species Accounts
Physical characteristics: Eurasian wild pigs weigh from 77 to 770 pounds (35 to 350 kilograms), though domestic species can reach 990 pounds (450 kilograms). They stand anywhere from 22 to 43 inches (55 to 110 centimeters) tall. Their skin is covered with short bristles of varying color. Males have larger tusks than females.
Geographic range: Eurasian wild pigs are found on all continents except Antarctica. They also live on islands.
Habitat: Eurasian wild pigs live in a variety of habitats, including tropical rainforests, woodlands, grassland, and agricultural lands.
Diet: About 90 percent of the Eurasian wild pig's diet is vegetation. They feed on roots, grasses, fruits, seeds, nuts, agricultural crops, carrion, invertebrates and vertebrates. Eurasian wild pigs have been known to migrate, travel to another region, when food is scarce.
Behavior and reproduction: Eurasian wild pigs are mostly active in the morning and afternoon. The basic social unit is a small group of
Eurasian wild pigs have been known to travel to other areas when food is scarce.
females and their young. Adult males are solitary, lone. These pigs are active 40 to 65 percent of the time.
Eurasian wild pigs and people: Eurasian wild pigs are eaten by humans more than any other species of pig. Because they do major damage to crops, they are considered a pest by many locals. Eurasian wild pigs are hunted commercially and for food. Their skulls are displayed as protection from evil spirits. Domesticated pigs are used as money for the payment of fines or fees for brides in some cultures.
Conservation status: Eurasian wild pigs are not threatened. ∎
Prothero, Donald R., and Robert M. Schoch. Horns, Tusks, and Flippers: The Evolution of Hoofed Mammals. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003.
Sonder, Ben. Pigs & Wild Boars: A Portrait of the Animal World. New York: Todtri Productions, 1998.
Young, Allen M. Tropical Rainforests: A Golden Guide from St. Martin's Press. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2001.
Bagla, Pallava. "World's Tiniest Wild Pig Subject of Big Rescue." National Geographic News (January 28, 2003). Online at http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2003/01/0128_030128_pygmyhogs.html (accessed on July 7, 2004).
Web sites:
Baribusa.org. http://earth-info-net-babirusa.blogspot.com/ (accessed on July 7, 2004).
"The Joy of Pigs." Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) Nature. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/pigs/index.html (accessed on July 7, 2004).
"Sus scrofa, Eurasian Wild Pig." Ultimate Ungulate. http://www.ultimateungulate.com/Artiodactyla/Sus_scrofa.html (accessed on July 7, 2004).
Additional topics
Animal Life ResourceMammalsPigs: Suidae - Physical Characteristics, Habitat, Behavior And Reproduction, Pigs And People, Conservation Status, Forest Hog (hylochoerus Meinertzhageni): Species Accounts - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, DIET