Zebras Horses and Asses: Equidae
Grevy's Zebra (equus Grevyi): Species Accounts
Physical characteristics: This zebra measures about 9.8 feet (3 meters) in length, with a shoulder height of 5.3 feet (1.6 meters). It weighs around 990 pounds (450 kilograms) and is the largest wild equid. The ears are large and round, and the short coat is black and white striped. The muzzle is white, and there is a dark stripe surrounded by white running down the length of the back.
Geographic range: Grevy's zebra inhabits parts of Kenya as well as southern Ethiopia. It is believed that a small population exists in southeastern Sudan.
Habitat: Grevy's zebras live in grassland, and must live near a permanent water source.
Grevy's zebras may fight one another in disputes over their territories.
Diet: This zebra eats grasses, but will feed on shrubs and small trees or plants if drought conditions deplete the supply of grasses.
Behavior and reproduction: As with other equids, Grevy's zebra participates in a territorial mating system in which one male resides over a large herd consisting of numerous females and their offspring. Because pregnant and nursing females need water daily or every other day, they are usually located near a permanent water source. This species differs from other zebras in that it doesn't form lasting bonds. In fact, the composition of the herd can change on an hourly basis.
Pregnancy lasts for about thirteen months, and the foal is able to recognize its mother by smell and sight within an hour of its birth. This is also the time it begins to stand up and run with the herd.
Grevy's zebra and people: Grevy's zebra is killed for its meat and hide as well as for medicinal purposes. Although these zebras eat the coarse grasses that livestock cannot feed upon, their habitat continues to be threatened and depleted by domestic livestock, which competes for grazing land.
Conservation status: Grevy's zebra is considered Endangered due to overhunting as well as competition for water and food with people and domestic livestock. ∎
Additional topics
- Zebras Horses and Asses: Equidae - Kiang (equus Kiang): Species Accounts
- Zebras Horses and Asses: Equidae - Behavior And Reproduction
- Other Free Encyclopedias
Animal Life ResourceMammalsZebras Horses and Asses: Equidae - Physical Characteristics, Behavior And Reproduction, Grevy's Zebra (equus Grevyi): Species Accounts - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, DIET, EQUIDS AND PEOPLE, CONSERVATION STATUS