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Aardwolf and Hyenas: Hyaenidae

Behavior And Reproduction

Spotted and brown hyenas live in groups called clans, dominated by a female. Striped hyenas are solitary, but small family groups may share a den. Females of spotted and brown hyenas stay with the clan for life. Male spotted hyenas are driven from the clan upon puberty, while male brown hyenas may choose to stay with the clan or leave. Hyenas scent mark territories by depositing anal secretions on grass stalks. Aardwolves are solitary, although, like hyenas, they communicate through scent marking. Hyaenids are active at night or at dawn and dusk.

Spotted and striped hyenas breed year round, while brown hyenas are seasonal breeders. Litter size varies, with one to two cubs for the spotted hyena, up to four for the striped hyena, and as many as six for the brown hyena. Brown and striped hyenas wean their young at about one year, while the spotted hyena nurses for up to a year and a half. Aardwolves may be seasonal or nonseasonal breeders, giving birth to two to four cubs, who leave home by age one.

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceMammalsAardwolf and Hyenas: Hyaenidae - Physical Characteristics, Behavior And Reproduction, Hyaenids And People, Spotted Hyena (crocuta Crocuta:): Species Accounts - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, DIET, CONSERVATION STATUS