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Badgers Weasels Skunks and Otters: Mustelidae

Behavior And Reproduction

Mustelids are mostly nocturnal, active at night. Most are solitary, except for otters and European badgers, which form social groups. Some are excellent swimmers and skillful climbers. Musk secreted by anal glands is used to scent mark territory, as a defense mechanism in skunks, or for communication.

Only the giant otter mates with just one partner. Some species experience delayed implantation, during which the fertilized egg waits several months before attaching to the uterus to continue development. Females have a litter of one to twelve offspring, depending on the species. Males do not participate in parenting.

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceMammalsBadgers Weasels Skunks and Otters: Mustelidae - Behavior And Reproduction, Mustelids And People, Ermine (mustela Erminea;): Species Accounts, Striped Skunk (mephitis Mephitis): Species Accounts - PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS, GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, DIET,