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Titis Sakis and Uakaris: Pitheciidae

Behavior And Reproduction

Pitheciids differ in the size of their social groups, ranging from small parent-and-offspring groups among titis to the uakari multimale-multifemale groups of up to 100 members. They are mostly arboreal, living in the trees of the forest canopy and understory. Active during the day, these primates take breaks for mutual grooming. Pitheciids are vocal and use body postures to communicate, such as erecting the body hair to show aggression.

All pitheciids give birth to one infant. Some species breed seasonally, while others do not. Saki fathers do not help with child care but do groom infants. Titi fathers are the principal caregivers, even of older offspring. The young are weaned at different ages, with sakis being independent at about age one and titis remaining with the parents until they are two or three years old.

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceMammalsTitis Sakis and Uakaris: Pitheciidae - Physical Characteristics, Behavior And Reproduction, Pitheciids And People, Conservation Status, White-faced Saki (pithecia Pithecia):species Accounts - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, DIET