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Tarsiers: Tarsiidae

Behavior And Reproduction

Tarsiers are arboreal, spending most of their time in trees. They forage alone at night, although some species may be active at dawn or dusk. When catching large insects, the tarsier closes its eyes, opening them only after putting the prey into its mouth. An insect's sharp body parts could do damage to the tarsier's big, exposed eyes. Tarsiers leap and cling to vertical branches. They communicate through high-pitched calls. When they get together to sleep during the day, tarsier pairs may perform duets, or a group may vocalize together as if in greeting.

Tarsiers have just one partner, mating year round or seasonally, depending on the species. After a pregnancy of about six months, the mother gives birth to a single, well-developed infant, about one quarter of her weight.

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceMammalsTarsiers: Tarsiidae - Physical Characteristics, Behavior And Reproduction, Tarsiers And People, Conservation Status, Philippine Tarsier (tarsius Syrichta): Species Accounts - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, DIET