1 minute read

Bulldog Bats: Noctilionidae

Behavior And Reproduction

Like all bats, bulldog bats rest during the day. While bulldog bats may sometimes leave their roost in the late afternoon, they are most likely to begin foraging for food at dusk, sunset. Both species catch their prey, animals hunted for food, using echolocation (eck-oh-loh-KAY-shun), the technique of detecting objects from calling out sounds and listening to the echo reflected from the object. These bats use echolocation to detect prey in flight, on the surface of the water, or directly below the water's surface.

After bulldog bats catch their prey they either eat the insect in flight or tuck away the partially-chewed food in their cheeks. These bats have pouches in their cheeks that can stretch to hold extra food. By storing the food, bulldog bats do not have to return to their roost after each catch. Mother and father bulldog bats can store food in their cheeks to bring to their young.

Bulldog bats are found living in colonies or groups of about thirty individuals up to several hundred. One kind of colony has young male bats. Another type of colony is made up of males, females, and their young. When they begin foraging for food, groups of up to fifteen leave their colony at the same time.


Look closely at a group of pelicans during the day and you might spot a few greater bulldog bats, or fisherman bats, in their midst. While these bats generally feed at dusk and during the night, observers have also seen them in the late afternoon flying alongside pelicans over water. Pelicans are large aquatic birds that eat fish. The bats probably catch small fish disturbed by the pelicans.

Female bulldog bats generally give birth to one offspring once a year. In general, bulldog bats mate in November and December, and then give birth in April through June. Births have also been recorded in the fall. The newborns can fly and become independent after one month. Both the male and female look after the baby, an unusual behavior for bats.

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceMammalsBulldog Bats: Noctilionidae - Physical Characteristics, Behavior And Reproduction, Greater Bulldog Bat (noctilio Leporinus): Species Account - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, DIET, BULLDOG BATS AND PEOPLE, CONSERVATION STATUS