less than 1 minute read

False Vampire Bats: Megadermatidae

Megadermatids And People

People are destroying the natural habitat of megadermatids, causing many of these species' populations to decrease.


Ghost bats cannot stand getting cold. Studies suggest that these bats need to keep their body temperatures between 95 and 102.2°F (35 to 39°C). When surrounding temperatures are higher or lower, these bats need to need to increase or decrease their metabolic rate to keep warm or stay cool. They move between a number of caves, depending upon the weather, which means they need multiple cave sites where they can roost. Females especially need to keep warm while they are pregnant.

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceMammalsFalse Vampire Bats: Megadermatidae - Physical Characteristics, Diet, Behavior And Reproduction, Megadermatids And People, Australian False Vampire Bat (macroderma Gigas): Species Account - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, CONSERVATION STATUS