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Mouse-Tailed Bats: Rhinopomatidae


Mouse-tailed bats eat insects, including flying ants, termites, beetles, and moths.

As the months turn cooler the bat begins store fat, especially in the abdominal, stomach, region. These fat deposits can equal the bat's normal body weight. During the winter months when insects are in short supply some species of mouse-tailed bats go into a type of deep sleep called torpor, and they absorb the fat deposits. During this period the bat is able to survive for several weeks without food and water. In some areas, some species migrate between summer and winter roosts.

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceMammalsMouse-Tailed Bats: Rhinopomatidae - Physical Characteristics, Diet, Behavior And Reproduction, Hardwicke's Lesser Mouse-tailed Bat (rhinopoma Hardwickei): Species Account - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, MOUSE-TAILED BATS AND PEOPLE, CONSERVATION STATUS