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Anteaters Sloths and Armadillos: Xenarthra

Geographic Range

Xenarthrans originated in the New World and live primarily in Central and South America. Sloths, anteaters, and armadillos live in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, French Guiana, Guyana, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela. Sloths are also found in Ecuador and Honduras. Anteaters range in Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Suriname, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Sloths and armadillos live in Mexico, and the nine-banded armadillo is the only xenarthran living in the United States.

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceMammalsAnteaters Sloths and Armadillos: Xenarthra - Physical Characteristics, Geographic Range, Habitat, Diet, Behavior And Reproduction, Sloths, Anteaters, Armadillos, And People