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Marsupial Moles: Notoryctemorphia

Behavior And Reproduction

Marsupial moles are active under the ground both day and night. They "swim" or burrow through sand rapidly. They normally tunnel about 4 to 8 inches (10 to 20 centimeters) under the surface. However, they occasionally dig down to depths of more than 8 feet (2.5 meters). When moving through sand, the mole uses its wide front claws to shovel soil backward under its belly. Then the hind feet push together to propel the body forward. These moles do not leave the burrows. The sand fills in the area behind them as they move.

Marsupial moles seem to appear on the surface more often after a heavy rain, although some scientists question if they actually appear more often or if their tracks are simply more noticeable in damp sand. On the surface, they move slowly with a shuffling side-to-side gait and drag their tail, leaving a distinctive pattern of parallel lines. They move only short distances before re-entering the sand. The speed with which they dig allows them to avoid most predators, animals that hunt them for food.

Almost nothing is known about marsupial mole reproduction. Females have two teats, nipples, in a backward-opening pouch.

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceMammalsMarsupial Moles: Notoryctemorphia - Physical Characteristics, Behavior And Reproduction, Marsupial Moles And People, Conservation Status, Southern Marsupial Mole (notoryctes Typhlops): Species Account - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, DIET