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Symphylans: Symphyla

Behavior And Reproduction

Symphylans are usually found in large numbers and sometimes gather in groups. They move up and down in the soil to maintain the proper moisture levels in their surroundings. Their antennae move constantly as they move about searching for food and mates, but they are held back over the body when feeding. Symphylans run swiftly, especially when threatened.

Males and females are both required for reproduction. Males deposit sperm packets on the ground. The females later pick up the sperm packets in their mouths. Nothing else is known about their courtship behavior or how they might communicate or interact with each other. Females deposit up to twenty-five pearly-white eggs in a mass. The hatchlings have fewer body segments than adults and only six or seven pairs of legs. They are very inactive. Each time they molt, or shed their exoskeleton or hard outer covering, they will add an additional segment and pair of legs until they reach adulthood with twelve pairs.

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceInsects and SpidersSymphylans: Symphyla - Physical Characteristics, Behavior And Reproduction, Symphylans And People, Garden Symphylan (scutigerella Immaculata): Species Account - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, DIET, CONSERVATION STATUS