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Twisted-Wing Parasites: Strepsiptera

Twisted-wing Parasites And People

Twisted-wing parasites are not very common, and few people ever see them. Although they do not kill their hosts, they do keep them from getting enough food and prevent them from reproducing. This means that they might be considered beneficial if their hosts happen to be considered pests.


Adaptations (ae-dep-TAY-shuns) include physical features or behaviors that help an organism survive and reproduce. Most female twisted-wing parasites are surrounded by food and have no need to leave their hosts. Developing wings and legs would only be a waste of energy for them. But males need plenty of mobility so they can search for females. For them, having legs and wings to get around in the environment is an absolute necessity!

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceInsects and SpidersTwisted-Wing Parasites: Strepsiptera - Physical Characteristics, Habitat, Behavior And Reproduction, Twisted-wing Parasites And People, No Common Name (halictophagus Naulti): Species Account - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, DIET, CONSERVATION STATUS