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Snakeflies: Raphidioptera

Geographic Range

Snakeflies are found in North America, Eurasia, and parts of North Africa. In North America they are found only in the southern United States and extend south to southern Mexico. Their range in Eurasia includes nearly all forested regions. In the Old World, their distributions range as far south as the mountainous regions of Morocco, northern Algeria, northern Tunisia, Israel, Syria, northern Iraq, northern Iran, northern Pakistan, northern India, Bhutan, Myanmar, northern Thailand, and Taiwan. There are 206 species of snakeflies worldwide, 21 of which occur in the United States and Canada.

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceInsects and SpidersSnakeflies: Raphidioptera - Physical Characteristics, Geographic Range, Behavior And Reproduction, Schummel's Inocelliid Snakefly (inocellia Crassicornis): Species Account - HABITAT, DIET, SNAKEFLIES AND PEOPLE, CONSERVATION STATUS