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Snakeheads: Channoidei

Snakeheads And People

Most snakeheads are important food fishes in Southeast Asia and China, and the meat is considered delicious. Some medium-to-large species are farmed. Larger snakeheads are popular game fishes in Asia.


Scientists worry about a North American invasion of snakeheads because the fish eat up the food needed by other fishes and then eat the other fishes. Snakeheads have been a problem in Maryland, and on October 14, 2004, a snakehead was caught for the first time in Lake Michigan.

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceFish and Other Cold-Blooded VertebratesSnakeheads: Channoidei - Physical Characteristics, Behavior And Reproduction, Snakeheads And People, Striped Snakehead (channa Striata): Species Account - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, DIET, CONSERVATION STATUS