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Asian Treefrogs: Rhacophoridae


Some species in this family live in forests. These include such frogs as Buerger's frog, the forest bright-eyed frog, Eiffinger's Asian treefrog, and the Luzon bubble-nest frog. Others, like the gray treefrog, prefer very dry grasslands. This gray treefrog, which is also known as the foam nest frog, is different from the eastern gray treefrog and Cope's gray treefrog of North America. Both of the North American species are members of a separate family, called the Amero-Australian treefrogs.

Some species in this family live near the water and use it to breed. They also use the water to lay their eggs. Buerger's frog is an example. The adults live in forests near rocky streams and enter the water to mate and lay their eggs. The eggs hatch into tadpoles, which remain in the water until they turn into froglets. Other species, like the free Madagascar frog, mate on the leaves of branches that overhang swamps or other water, and the female lays her eggs there on the leaves. As they hatch, the tadpoles plop down into the water, where they continue growing. Some Asian treefrogs live close to people. The golden treefrog, also sometimes called the banana frog, is often seen on the sides of trees in city parks and on bathroom walls.

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceAmphibiansAsian Treefrogs: Rhacophoridae - Physical Characteristics, Habitat, Diet, Behavior And Reproduction, Conservation Status, Kinugasa Flying Frog (rhacophorus Arboreus): Species Accounts - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, ASIAN TREEFROGS AND PEOPLE