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Rainbowfishes and Silversides: Atheriniformes

Physical Characteristics

Silversides are long and narrow from side to side. They have two dorsal (DOOR-suhl) fins, a single anal (AY-nuhl) fin spine, usually smooth scales, and no lateral line. Most are silvery and have a stripe along each side of the body. Male rainbowfishes are brilliantly colored with patterns in shades of red, yellow, orange, blue, and green. The anal and dorsal fins sometimes have threadlike extensions or elaborate fanlike shapes. The anal fin is the one along the midline of the belly. The dorsal fin is the one along the midline of the back. A lateral line is a series of pores and tiny tubes along each side of the body, used for sensing vibrations.

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceFish and Other Cold-Blooded VertebratesRainbowfishes and Silversides: Atheriniformes - Physical Characteristics, Behavior And Reproduction, Rainbowfishes, Silversides, And People, Conservation Status, California Grunion (leuresthes Tenuis): Species Account - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, DIET