Characins: Characiformes
Giant Tigerfish (hydrocynus Goliath): Species Accounts
Physical characteristics: Giant tigerfish are the largest characins, reaching a length of 4 feet, 4 inches (1.3 meters) and a weight of 110 pounds (50 kilograms). The fully scaled body is pointed at the ends and has a high dorsal fin. The body is silvery, and the back is darker gray. The fins are often orange or red, and the fish may become brightly colored during the breeding season. The teeth are sharp, and the upper teeth interlock with the lower teeth.
Geographic range: Giant tigerfish live in Africa.
Habitat: Giant tigerfish live in large rivers and near the shores of lakes.
Giant tigerfish gather with other giant tigerfish of similar size. Small fish make large groups, and large fish make small groups.
Diet: Adult giant tigerfish are fierce predators that consume a variety of smaller fish. The larvae (LAR-vee), the early stage that must change form before becoming an adult, eat animal plankton, but they quickly move to larger prey as they grow.
Behavior and reproduction: Giant tigerfish gather with other giant tigerfish of similar size. Small fish make large groups, and large fish make small groups. In the summer these fish migrate (MY-grayt) or move in rivers to find a place to spawn or release their eggs along the shores of lakes or the flooded banks of large rivers. Females scatter hundreds of thousands of eggs into plants, where they hatch. The adults give no parental care.
Giant tigerfish and people: Giant tigerfish attract fishermen from around the world. They also are used for food by people who live in their geographic range.
Conservation status: Giant tigerfish are not threatened or endangered. ∎
Additional topics
- Characins: Characiformes - Red-bellied Piranha (pygocentrus Nattereri): Species Accounts
- Characins: Characiformes - Physical Characteristics
- Other Free Encyclopedias
Animal Life ResourceFish and Other Cold-Blooded VertebratesCharacins: Characiformes - Physical Characteristics, Giant Tigerfish (hydrocynus Goliath): Species Accounts, Red-bellied Piranha (pygocentrus Nattereri): Species Accounts - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, DIET, BEHAVIOR AND REPRODUCTION, CHARACINS AND PEOPLE,