Sharks Chimaeras Skates and Rays: Chondrichthyes
Clearnose Skate (raja Eglanteria): Species Accounts
Physical characteristics: Clearnose skates reach a total length of 31 inches (79 centimeters). The head, pectoral fins, and trunk are flattened and join to form a broad disk. The tail makes up about one-half of the total length of the skate. The sides of the snout are not clear but are cloudy, like frosted glass. A row of thorns runs down the back. Clearnose skates are brown to gray on the back and whitish to yellowish on the belly. There are dark and light spots and dark bars on the back.
Geographic range: Clearnose skates live in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean from Massachusetts to the northern Gulf of Mexico.
Clearnose skates live in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean from Massachusetts to the northern Gulf of Mexico.
Habitat: Clearnose skates live on soft bottoms near the shore.
Diet: Clearnose skates eat worms, shrimps, crabs, and bony fishes.
Behavior and reproduction: In the northern part of their range, clearnose skates migrate (MY-grayt) north and near shore in the spring and south and offshore in the fall. After internal fertilization, the female lays eggs, and the young hatch from egg capsules after several months. At birth clearnose skates are about 5 inches (12.5 to 14.4 centimeters) long.
Conservation status: Clearnose skates are not threatened nor endangered.
Clearnose skates and people: Clearnose skates have been used in cancer research. ∎
Allen, Thomas B. The Shark Almanac. New York: Lyons, 1999.
Perrine, D. Sharks and Rays of the World. Stillwater, MN: Voyager Press, 1999.
Pope, Joyce. 1001 Facts about Sharks. New York: DK, 2002.
Web sites:
"Ask a Scientist Answers to Chondrichthyes Questions." OceanLink. (accessed on September 20, 2004).
"Chondrichthyes." Science Fair Projects Encyclopedia. (accessed on September 20, 2004).
Additional topics
- Sharks Chimaeras Skates and Rays: Chondrichthyes - Atlantic Manta (manta Birostris): Species Accounts
- Other Free Encyclopedias
Animal Life ResourceFish and Other Cold-Blooded VertebratesSharks Chimaeras Skates and Rays: Chondrichthyes - Physical Characteristics, Chimaeras, Sharks, Skates, Rays, And People, Conservation Status, Spotted Ratfish (hydrolagus Colliei): Species Accounts - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, DIET, BEHAVIOR AND REPRODUCT