Snails Sea Slugs and Limpets: Gastropoda
Geography Cone Shell (conus Geographus): Species Accounts
Physical characteristics: The shell spire is flat with knobby whorls. The shell opening is long and slightly expanded toward the front. The outer surface is marked with light, gold brown markings.
Geographic range: This species is found in the warm, tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific.
Habitat: They live around coral reefs, in sand, and on chunks of broken reefs.
Diet: They eat fishes, worms, and other snails.
Behavior and reproduction: They hunt at night. The radula has a few poison-injecting teeth that are used like harpoons and shot from the end of a long, trunklike proboscis. Fishes and other prey are hooked by the teeth and then pulled in.
The eggs are fertilized inside the female's body.
Geography cone shells have a few poison-injecting teeth that are used like harpoons and shot from the end of a long, trunklike proboscis. Fishes and other prey are hooked by the teeth and then pulled in.
Geography cone shells and people: The venom from their bite is very toxic and can be fatal.
Conservation status: Geography cone shells are not considered threatened or endangered. ∎
Brusca, Richard C., and Gary J. Brusca. Invertebrates. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, 2003.
Gordon, D. G. Field Guide to the Slug. Seattle, WA: Sasquatch Books, 1994.
Meinkoth, N. A. National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Sea Shore Creatures. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1981.
Davidson, T. "Tree Snails. Gems of the Everglades." National Geographic (March 1967): 372-387.
Hamner, W. M. "Blue-water Plankton." National Geographic (October 1974): 530-545.
Web sites:
"Abalone." (accessed on May 2, 2005).
"Class Gastropoda (Gastropods, Slugs, and Snails)." (accessed on May 2, 2005).
"Gastropods." (accessed on May 2, 2005).
Hardy's Internet Guide to Marine Gastropods. (accessed on May 2, 2005).
Additional topics
- Snails Sea Slugs and Limpets: Gastropoda - Top Shell (trochus Niloticus): Species Accounts
- Other Free Encyclopedias
Animal Life ResourceMollusks, Crustaceans, and Related SpeciesSnails Sea Slugs and Limpets: Gastropoda - Physical Characteristics, Behavior And Reproduction, Gastropods And People, No Common Name (corolla Spectabilis): Species Accounts - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, DIET, CONSERVATION STATUS