Aplacophorans: Aplacophora
No Common Name (spiomenia Spiculata): Species Account
Physical characteristics: The curved body is widest at the middle and becomes slightly narrower toward the rear. They are covered with long spines. The longest spines are at the rear of the body. The radula has twenty-two to twenty-five teeth. Each tooth has twenty-two or twenty-three denticles.
Geographic range: They are found in the West European Basin of the Atlantic Ocean.
Habitat: They live on the sea bottom at depths of 6,560 to 13,120 feet (2,000 to 4,000 meters).
Diet: Spiomenia spiculata eat diatoms and possibly sponges.
Spiomenia spiculata is of interest to scientists studying mollusks.
Behavior and reproduction: Very little is known about their behavior or reproduction, other than that they are hermaphrodites.
Spiomenia spiculata and people: Spiomenia spiculata is of interest to scientists studying mollusks.
Conservation status: Spiomenia spiculata is not considered threatened or endangered. ∎
Brusca, Richard C., and Gary J. Brusca. Invertebrates. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, 2003.
Arnofsky, Pamela. "Spiomenia spiculata, Gen. et sp. nov (Aplacophora: Neomeniomorpha) Collected from the Deep Water of the West European Basin." The Veliger 43, no. 2 (2000): 110-117.
Web sites:
"Class Aplacophora." http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Aplacophora.html (accessed on March 30, 2005).
"Shelled Marine Mollusks of Temperate Australia. Interactive Information and Identification." http://www.danceweb.com.au/marine/data/majgrps.htm#top (accessed on March 30, 2005).
Welcome to the Aplacophora Homepage. http://www.whoi.edu/science/B/aplacophora/ (accessed on March 30, 2005).
Additional topics
Animal Life ResourceMollusks, Crustaceans, and Related SpeciesAplacophorans: Aplacophora - Physical Characteristics, Diet, No Common Name (spiomenia Spiculata): Species Account - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, BEHAVIOR AND REPRODUCTION, APLACOPHORANS AND PEOPLE, CONSERVATION STATUS