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Cephalocarids: Cephalocarida

Physical Characteristics, Behavior And Reproduction, Cephalocarids And People, No Common Name (hutchinsoniella Macracantha): Species AccountGEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, DIET, CONSERVATION STATUS

NO COMMON NAME (Hutchinsoniella macracantha): SPECIES ACCOUNT

Cephalocarids live on the east and west coasts of North and South America, the Caribbean Islands, New Caledonia, New Zealand, and Japan.

Cephalocarids are usually found on or just below the surface of the muck that settles on the sea bottom, from shallow waters to depths of 5,250 feet (1,600 meters). This muck is rich in plant and animal materials. A few species are found in sand or the rubble that accumulates around coral reefs.

Using the rhythmic beat of their paddlelike limbs, cephalocarids draw water with bits of food into their mouth. As they spread their limbs, food-carrying water is pulled into a groove on the underside of their bodies that leads to the mouth.

No cephalocarids are considered threatened or endangered.

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Animal Life ResourceMollusks, Crustaceans, and Related Species