Sand Worms Clam Worms and Tubeworms: Polychaeta
Clam Worms, Sand Worms, Tubeworms, And People
Species of these worms respond quickly to increased amounts of pollution in the water and on the ocean bottom. Their presence or absence may indicate important changes in the marine environment. Some also harm oyster beds managed for harvesting.
Additional topics
- Sand Worms Clam Worms and Tubeworms: Polychaeta - Fire Worm (eurythoe Complanata): Species Accounts
- Sand Worms Clam Worms and Tubeworms: Polychaeta - Behavior And Reproduction
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Animal Life ResourceMollusks, Crustaceans, and Related SpeciesSand Worms Clam Worms and Tubeworms: Polychaeta - Physical Characteristics, Habitat, Diet, Behavior And Reproduction, Clam Worms, Sand Worms, Tubeworms, And People - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, CONSERVATION STATUS