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Hemichordates: Hemichordata

Spaghetti Worm (saxipendium Coronatum): Species Accounts

Physical characteristics: Spaghetti worms are thin and yellowish white. They can be as long as 10 feet (3 meters). The snout tapers to a soft point toward the front, and the collar is short.

Geographic range: Spaghetti worms live in the Pacific Ocean near the Galápagos Islands.

Habitat: Spaghetti worms live in the deepest ocean loosely attached to rocks near hydrothermal (high-druh-THUR-muhl) vents, which are openings in the ocean floor that serve as smokestacks for releasing extremely hot gases from under Earth's crust.

Diet: Scientists do not know what spaghetti worms eat.

Spaghetti worms live in the deepest ocean loosely attached to rocks near hydrothermal vents. (Illustration by John Megahan. Reproduced by permission.)

Behavior and reproduction: Spaghetti worms live in tangled coils covered with mucus. Except that fertilization takes place outside the body, scientists do not know how spaghetti worms reproduce.

Spaghetti worms and people: Spaghetti worms have no known importance to people.

Conservation status: Spaghetti worms are not considered threatened or endangered. ∎



Valentine, James W. On the Origin of Phyla. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004.

Web sites:

Scott, Susan. "Elusive Acorn Worms Are Ocean's Vacuum Cleaners." Ocean Watch. http://www.susanscott.net/OceanWatch2001/aug17-01.html (accessed on March 2, 2005).

Scott, Susan. "Spaghetti Worms Utilize Tentacles in Amazing Ways." Ocean Watch. http://www.susanscott.net/OceanWatch1998/jan19-98.html (accessed on March 2, 2005).

Additional topics

Animal Life ResourceJellyfish, Sponges, and Other Simple AnimalsHemichordates: Hemichordata - Physical Characteristics, Behavior And Reproduction, Hawaiian Acorn Worm (ptychodera Flava): Species Accounts, Spaghetti Worm (saxipendium Coronatum): Species Accounts - GEOGRAPHIC RANGE, HABITAT, DIET, HEMICHORDATES AND PEOP